Organic Farming Techniques

Organic farming is not only beneficial for the environment; it also helps improve health of people. Vermicomposting is an ideal way of not only adding nutrients, but create own natural fertiliser. Worms are naturally occurring workers in the soil and especially in rich soils.

These convert rotting vegetation and waste in such a way to create compost as natural and organic matter. While creating fresh organic compost, they also help to decrease waste in the farms.

As the name indicates, vermiculture means artificial cultivation of worms and vermicopost is the excreta of the earthworm which is rich in humus.The vermicompost is rich N, P, K and Calcium and other nutrients besides containing valuable vitamins, enzymes and hormones like gibberellins.  It can be used for all crops.
Trichoderma spp. are fungi present in substantial numbers in most agricultural soils and in other environments such as decaying wood.

Trichoderma spp., are free-living fungi that are common in soil and root ecosystems. They are highly interactive in root, soil and foliar environments.

They produce or release a variety of compounds that induce localized or systemic resistance responses in plants and Trichoderma strains have long been recognized as biological agents, for the control of plant disease and for their ability to increase root growth and development, crop productivity, resistance to abiotic stresses, and uptake and use of nutrients.

In addition to colonizing roots, Trichoderma spp. attack, parasitize and otherwise gain nutrition from other fungi. Since Trichoderma spp. grow and proliferate best when there are abundant healthy roots, they have evolved numerous mechanisms for both attack of other fungi and for enhancing plant and root growth. Several new general methods have been evolved for both biocontrol and for causing enhancement of plant growth.
Pseudomonas and Biological Control has emerged since mid 1980s and certain members of the Pseudomonas genus have been applied to cereal seeds or applied directly to soils as a way of preventing the growth or establishment of crop pathogens. The bacteria induces systemic resistance in the host plant, so it can better resist attack by a true pathogen; the bacteria might out compete other (pathogenic) e microbes   by giving a competitive advantage at scavenging for iron; the bacteria might produce compounds antagonistic to other soil microbes. Notable Pseudomonas species with biocontrol properties include P. chloroaphis and P. aurantiaca . 
Cattle in the farm are helpful in both the farm operations as well as the production of Farm Yard Manure and Compost. The location of compost pit should be nearer to the cattle shed. All the waste from the cattle shed is utilized for different purposes. The Dung is directly used to make compost. 

The cattle urine is used for making both liquid manure as well as liquid spray for control of insects. The liquid manure is utilised in the farms.
Fish meal is a great natural fertilizer, high in phosphorous and high in organic nitrogen. Fish meal is quick acting, offering a sustained supply of nutrients. Don't scatter fish meal, because of the strong odor; plug it in a series of holes about ten inches deep that can then be covered with about four inches of soil. Fish meal is ideally utilized for preparing compost 
Many genera and species of Nitrogen fixing bacteria have been isolated from the rhizosphere of various cereals. They mainly belong to Azotobacter and Azospirillum genera.

These are free living bacteria and fix atmospheric Nitrogen in cereal crops without any symbiosis. Azotobacter sp also has the ability to produce antifungal compounds against many plant pathogens. 

They increase the germination and vigour in young plants leading to an improved stand in crops. There is evidence that Azotobacter biologically controls various nematode diseases of plants. 
Symbiotic Nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium in legumes contributes substantially to total biological Nitrogen fixation. Rhizobium inoculation is a well known agronomic practice to ensure adequate nitrogen nutrition of legume in lieu of N-fertiliser in inorganic form.
Azolla is a floating fresh water fern. There are several species of Azolla. It grows in ditches and stagnant water. This fern usually forms a green mat over water. Azolla is readily decomposed to ammonia which is available to cereals like Rice plants. It has been observed that the nitrogen content of Rice receiving Azolla mexicana is noticeable   when compared to the nitrogen content of control Rice plants.
The "friendly insects" include ladybeetles, bees, ground beetles, hoverflies, and parasitic wasps. These insects especially bees and wasps can be attracted to the farms by growing a wide   variety of ornamental flowering plants. The non usage of chemicals and harmful sprays encourages their population and they provide the natural control for various harmful insects like Aphids and Mites which actually encourage the emergence of other fungus diseases of crop plants. Thus these friendly insects not only help pollination, they also provide indirect control of various pests and diseases of crop plants.    
Vanpro’s Organic farming systems aim at controlling the insects to such a threshold level that the economic loss is averted rather than aiming at destroying them completely. The cultural practices are modified by measures like use of tolerant varieties, mixed inter cropping, balanced nutrients and management of parasites, insects and predaceous birds, frogs and use of techniques like light traps, sticky traps, antifeedants and other innovative eco friendly practices in controlling insects and pest and at the same time they are efficient in preserving the biodiversity and keeping the environment free from pollution.


Attempts are made to restrict growth of weeds and not their total eradication. Weeds have extensive root systems and they compete with crops for water and nutrients. Weeds taken out from the field are left out to form mulch. This is used for vermicomposting.  Green and soft plants start decomposing in a short time and add plant nutrients as well as nourish soil biotic life and conserve soil and water. Weeds therefore are a blessing.


Neem cake organic manure protects plant roots from nematodes, soil grubs and white ants. It also acts as a natural fertilizer with pesticidal properties. Neem cake is widely used to fertilize paddy, cotton and sugarcane and several other crops. Usage of neem cake has shown an increase in the dry matter in various crops as well as other plant species and forest trees.

Neem seed cake also reduces alkalinity in soil, as it produces organic acids on decomposition. Being totally natural, it is compatible with soil microbes, improves the rhizosphere, microflora and hence ensures fertility of the soil. Neem Cake improves the organic matter content of the soil, helping improvement in soil texture, water holding capacity, soil aeration for better root development.

Neem cake is effective in the management of insects and pests. The use of Neem cake on the soil has been reported to have seven types of activities - (a) antifeedant (b) attractant (c) repellent (d) insecticide  (e) nematicide (f) growth disruptor and (g) antimicrobial.

Neem oil is pressed out of the seeds obtained from neem trees. In addition to its use as an organic insecticide spray, neem oil has been used medicinally and in the cosmetics industry. Neem oil works as an organic insecticide as follows: "It disrupts insects' hormonal balance so they die before they molt to the next life stage."
Biomass refers to biological material derived from recent living organisms such as loppings (branches of dead trees/plants, tree stumps), weeds and farm waste. It includes microorganism, plants or animal waste. This valuable waste is utilized to prepare compost. The most common familiar known forms of renewable energy are the Wind and Sun. But biomass (plant and animal waste – not bone /teeth matter but only tissues) supplies almost 15 times as much energy as wind and solar energy combined.  There are a wide range of bio mass energy resources, including tree and grass crops and forestry, agricultural, and urban wastes. It is the oldest source of renewable energy known to humans, used since our ancestors learnt the secret of fire. Biomass energy brings numerous environmental benefits—reducing air and water pollution, increasing soil quality and reducing erosion, and improving wildlife habitat. Water pollution is reduced because fewer fertilizers and pesticides are used to grow energy crops, and erosion is reduced. In contrast to high-yield food crops that pull nutrients from the soil, energy crops actually improve soil quality. Finally, biomass crops can create better wildlife habitat than food crops. They attract a greater variety of birds and small mammals. They improve the habitat for fish by increasing water quality in nearby streams and ponds.

Vermicompost Tray

Vermicompost Tray





Friendly Insects

Friendly Insects

Azolla Mat

Azolla Mat





Ladybird Beetle

Ladybird Beetle